Flexible finance tools for your contractors

Unlock revenue and delight customers with financial features for independent, gig economy, and freelance workers.

Introducing the complete embedded finance solution

Help your customers manage their finances better by providing convenient ways for them to store and move their money.


Get paid instantly

Let your workers access their money any time.

High-yield and savings

Simplify saving and organizing money by providing buckets for taxes and payroll. Customers can earn competitive interest on their balances with interest-bearing accounts.

Cards and rewards

Enable your customers to request and use cards for any purpose and get cash back.

ATMs and Allpoint access

Customers can deposit and withdraw funds at ATMs, including fee-free access to the Allpoint network.

Apple Pay and Google Pay

Allow your customers to add their cards to mobile wallets in one click.

Connecting to Venmo, CashApp and other bank accounts

Customers can connect their accounts with Venmo, CashApp, Robinhood, and any bank account.

Paying others

Allow customers to upload invoices and pay others via same-day ACH, checks, push-to-card, wires, and international payments.

Getting paid

Make it easy for your customers to get paid via checks, same-day ACH, push-to-card, wires, and international payments.

Ready to launch in 3 weeks

Get started today with a ready-to-launch experience. Build a custom experience anytime later.

How Unit helps Veryable pay contract laborers within 24 hours of completing a work opportunity

Card Issuing
increased debit-card revenue

Relay helps entrepreneurs understand cash flow and build profitable businesses

Card Issuing

Invoice2go launch ed banking products that drive engagement and retention

Card Issuing