Unit’s embedded finance platform makes it simple to build powerful banking and lending. Learn how to unlock revenue and delight customers with financial features for independent, gig economy, and freelance workers.
Build in a seamless way for your users to send and receive real-time book payments, ACH, wires, batch payments, and cross-border transactions. Use our Plaid integration to further reduce friction and risk.
How Unit helped Moves improve the financial health of gig workers
“Working with Unit has been a seamless experience. From the quality of the docs to the knowledge of the entire team, Unit has been a partner from day one.” - Mark Lenhard, CEO of Invoice2Go
How Unit helps Outgo simplify financial management for domestic freight carriers
“What stood out about Unit was the full-featured nature of the API. A lot of the more nuanced use cases and scenarios we required—other providers couldn’t cover them.” - Mike Bohlander, CTO of Outgo
How Unit helps AngelList become their customers’ financial mission control
"We were able to roll out our embedded financial products swiftly and efficiently. Unit’s platform is developer-first and solves many of our customers’ problems right out of the box." - Ran Harpaz, Founder and CEO
How Unit helped Wethos empower freelancers to grow their business
"We evaluated other providers, but Unit was the easiest to use and fastest to launch. From day one, they've been an invaluable partner and continue to innovate with us as we grow." - Gilad Uziely, CEO of Sequence
Bring financial features to life and start building — today