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White-Label Application Form

Unit offers a highly customizable onboarding front-end that allows you to onboard end-customers, individuals, sole-proprietors and businesses.

The White-Label Application Form also includes the implementation of Credit Applications and can be used to onboard end-customers for lending products (like Charge Cards). See Create Application Form with Credit Application for more information.

Using Unit's white-label experience has many benefits:

  • Shorter time to market compared to building your own flow.
  • Benefit from Unit's technology, compliance and fraud expertise - Unit's onboarding experience offers responsive, mobile friendly design, and includes phone number verification and on-device fraud detection measures to reduce fraud risk. We monitor and track the application form closely, and it will continue to develop and deliver a frictionless experience that guarantees you are compliant with the evolving regulation.
  • No maintenance required: any future changes to the onboarding process will be handled by Unit (on our hosted solution).

If you prefer to build your own custom experience, you may still do so using Unit's Applications API.


The Unit White-Label Application form can be used in one of two ways:

  1. Via a URL that is generated for the end-customer, hosted and managed by Unit, and may be served from your custom domain (see Customizing the Application Form Domain).
  2. Embedded in your own website or app by using the a unit-elements-application-form UI component. This component is part of the White-Label UI Components and can be customized to match your brand.

You may create a new application form by using the Create Application Form endpoint. When you make this call, you can specify:

  • Any information you have on the customer that can be used to pre-fill the application form
  • Your preferences/restrictions for this specific application (e.g. Individual vs Business application)

When the API call is received, Unit will create an application form resource, and generate an application form link. This link is returned in the response to the API call, along with an application form ID. This link is valid for 24 hours, and you can receive a fresh link that will allow the user to resume the application by calling the refresh application form endpoint (unavailable yet, coming up next) . It is up to you to manage the distribution of this link and manage all communication around the application form (sending emails, or redirecting the customers).

Migrating from the previous Application Form

The White-Label Application Form is the successor of the Application Form.

For clients that are already utilizing the Application Form, the White-Label Application Form offers a more customizable and feature-rich experience. The Application Form will be deprecated in the future, and we recommend migrating to the White-Label Application Form as soon as possible.

The steps and API for creating a White-Label Application Form are similar to the steps for creating an Application Form, with the addition of the ability to customize the form's appearance and behavior using the Theme API (see White-Labeling and Customization).

Differences and improvements:

  • In order to use the new version of the application form, the creation request must include the X-Accept-Version: V2024_06 header. The route and the request body remain the same for a smoother transition, with some new additions. See Create Application Form.
  • There's a new way for configuring the theme and the language of the application form. It allows creating themes and languages that are specific for each application, allowing different end-customers to have different experiences. See White-Labeling and Customization.
  • The new application form allows creating credit applications for utilizing Unit credit products like Charge Cards, See Create Application Form with Credit Application.
  • The new application form can either be hosted by unit in a specific URL, or hosted by clients as an a web component, allowing simpler integration into any website or app without the need for an iframe.

Learn more about which features are coming soon to White-Label Application Form.

White-Labeling and Customization

You may customize the application form experience by utilizing the White-Label Theme API and the White-Label Language API.

For example, a basic theme that overrides colors and sets your company's logo may look like this:

Example Request:
curl -X POST ''
-H 'Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}'
--data-raw '{
"data": {
"type": "whiteLabelTheme",
"attributes": {
"name": "Theme for application form",
"global": {
"logoUrl": "",
"colors": {
"primary": "#2E74FF",
"secondary": "#000000"

The response object from this request is a JSON:API document that includes the ID of the theme that was created. This ID can be used as one of the attributes in the creation of application form (see Create Application Form).

Customizing the Application Form Domain

Unit supports white-labeling of the application form URL. To the end-customer, it will look like the application form is hosted on your sub-domain, while in practice it would be hosted by Unit.

To customize the URL:

  1. On the Unit Dashboard, go to Org Settings / Application Form and configure the subdomain.
  2. Click “setup” and provide the URL you would like to use (e.g. A new box called "DNS Settings" will show up on the form. The box includes 2 CNAME records that you will have to configure on your DNS provider within 72 hours in order to verify the domain. Examples:
Record NameTypeRecord Value
  • The first record is used to issue a certificate and to prove the domain ownership. are auto-generated random strings.

  • The second record will redirect your new subdomain to Unit's application form

After configuring the DNS records, return to the DNS Settings box and click Verify.

If the status has changed from "Unverified" to "Verified", you have completed the subdomain configuration.

If the status has not changed, the verification has not been completed. Note that the verification process may take a couple of minutes and in rare cases even hours, so wait a couple of minutes before retrying the verification.


You would need to provide between 4 and 6 disclosure URLs, depending on your specific implementation. If you are not sure which disclosures are relevant to you, reach out to our compliance team for help. The list of disclosures includes:

  • Consent to Electronic Disclosures
  • Privacy Policy
  • Deposit Terms & Conditions
  • Client Terms of Service
  • Cardholder Terms and Conditions (optional)
  • Cash Advance Terms and Conditions (optional)

The disclosure links may be configured in the Unit Dashboard "Org Settings" -> "Application Form" section.

Create Application Form

To onboard an end-customer through Unit's UI, create an ApplicationForm resource

The application form implements the Create Individual Application or Create Business Application calls, depending on the user's choice in the interface.

Required Scopeapplications-write
Data TypeapplicationForm
Timeout (Seconds)5
Example Request:
curl -X POST ''
-H 'Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}'
-H 'X-Accept-Version: V2024_06'
--data-raw '{
"data": {
"type": "applicationForm",
"attributes": {
"tags": {
"userId": "106a75e9-de77-4e25-9561-faffe59d7814"
"relationships": {
"whiteLabelTheme": {
"data": {
"type": "whiteLabelTheme",
"id": "10000"


tagsobjectOptional. See Tags. Tags that will be copied to the application that this form creates (see Tag Inheritance).
applicantDetailsApplicationFormPrefillOptional. Add data that is already known about the end-customer to be auto populated on the form.
settingsOverrideApplicationFormSettingsOverrideOptional. Override disclosure URLs that were defined in the application form settings.
requireIdVerificationRequireIdVerificationOptional. Decide whether to require ID verification regardless of evaluation response.
langstringUnavailable yet, coming up next Optional. Base language of application form. Either en or es. If not specified, will default to en. The language can be further customized using the White-Label Language API.
allowedApplicationTypesArray of Individual, Business or SoleProprietorship.Unavailable yet, coming up next Optional. restrict the available application type for this specific application.
hideApplicationProgressTrackerbooleanUnavailable yet, coming up next Optional. Decide whether to show an application form left side bar.


whiteLabelThemestringOptional. The ID of the white-label theme to be used for this application form. See White-Labeling and Customization above.
lendingProgramstringOptional. The ID of the lending program to be used for this application form. See Create Application Form with Credit Application for more information.


Response is a JSON:API document.

201 Created

tagsobjectSee Tags. Tags that will be copied to the application that this form creates (see Tag Inheritance).
urlstringThe URL of the application form for the end-customer to access

Create Application Form with Credit Application


Using the application form with credit application requires:

  1. Having an active Lending Program for your org.
  2. Having a Plaid account and providing your Plaid credentials via the Unit dashboard in "Org Settings" -> "Integrations".

For lending products, you may create an application form that includes a credit application. This is done by specifying the lending program ID in the lendingProgram relationship as part of the form creation.

Example Request:
curl -X POST ''
-H 'Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}'
-H 'X-Accept-Version: V2024_06'
--data-raw '{
"data": {
"type": "applicationForm",
"attributes": {
"tags": {
"userId": "106a75e9-de77-4e25-9561-faffe59d7814"
"relationships": {
"whiteLabelTheme": {
"data": {
"type": "whiteLabelTheme",
"id": "10000"
"lendingProgram": {
"data": {
"type": "lendingProgram",
"id": "10001"

The result is an application form that collects the necessary information for the credit application, including a new section intended to collect aggregator access tokens from Plaid:

Coming up next

Some features that are coming up next include:

  • Create with "Allowed application types"
  • Ability to Hide the application progress tracker (sidebar)
  • Usage with JWT Token
  • Language configuration
  • Create an Application Form from an existing Application
  • Get by Id
  • List
  • Selfie verification