Recurring Repayment
Web Components
Add the Recurring Repayment Settings Element to your app where you'd like it to be presented.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
customer-token | string | Yes | A Unit Customer token. Required Scopes: customers accounts payments payments-write counterparties counterparties-write |
credit-account-id | string | No | Unit credit account id. The account from which money is being sent. |
theme | string | No | A URL that specifies the UI configuration. |
language | string | No | A URL that specifies the language configuration. |
plaid-account-filters | string "checking, savings" | No | Account subtypes to display in Link. If not specified, only checking subtype will be shown. |
plaid-link-customization-name | string | No | The name of the Link customization from the Plaid Dashboard to be applied to Link. If not specified, the default customization will be used. When using a Link customization, the language in the customization must match the language selected via the language parameter. |
final-stage-done-button | boolean string ("true" / "false") | No | An action button at the final stage of the payment flow. Default "false" |
Event Name | Description | Detail |
unitRecurringRepaymentCreated | Occurs when recurring repayment is created | Recurring Capital Partner ACH Repayment Recurring Capital Partner Book Repayment |
unitRecurringRepaymentCanceled | Occurs when recurring repayment is canceled | Disable Recurring Repayment |
unitRecurringRepaymentFinalStageDoneButtonClicked | Occurs when the final stage done button is clicked |