The activity component allows you to show the customer the transactional activity on either a customer, an account or a card level. The component shows final transactions, as well as pending card payments.
Web Components
Add the activity element to your app where you'd like it to be presented.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
account-id | string | No | Unit account id. The account for which the activity will be shown. If not specified: the activity of the customer (all accounts) will be shown |
customer-token | string | Yes | A Unit Customer token. Required Scopes: customers transactions authorizations accounts payments check-deposits |
theme | string | No | A URL that specifies the UI configuration. |
language | string | No | A URL that specifies the language configuration. |
query-filter | string | No | Query for filtering transactions and authorizations: Transactions, Authorizations |
hide-title | string | No | Hide the component title in case value is 'true'. |
hide-filter-button | string | No | Hide filter button in case value is 'true'. |
columns | string | No | Comma separated keys to display as table headers. The default is: "summary,type,amount" |
pagination-type | string | No | Defines the method by which additional content is loaded. Possible values: "infiniteScroll" (default), "pagination" |
transactions-per-page | string | No | Number of transactions to fetch on each page or scroll to bottom. Also acts as initial number of transactions to fetch. The default is "8" for pagination and "15" for infinite scroll |
hide-back-to-top | string | No | Hide back to top button in case value is 'true'. |
Coming soon
React Native SDK
UNActivityComponent props:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
customerToken | string | YES | A Unit Customer token. |
accountId | string | NO | Unit account id. The account for which the activity will be shown. If not specified: the activity of the customer (all accounts) will be shown |
theme | string | NO | A URL that specifies the UI configuration. |
language | string | NO | A URL that specifies the language configuration. |
hideFilterButton | boolean | NO | Hide filter button in case value is true |
hideTitle | boolean | NO | Hide title in case value is true |
hideBackToTop | boolean | NO | Hide back to top button in case value is true |
queryFilter | string | NO | Query for filtering transactions and authorizations: Transactions, Authorizations |
paginationType | UNActivityComponentPaginationType | NO | Defines the method by which additional content is loaded. Possible values: infiniteScroll (default), pagination |
transactionsPerPage | number | NO | Number of transactions to fetch on each page or scroll to bottom. Also acts as initial number of transactions to fetch. The default is 8 for pagination and 15 for infinite scroll |
onLoad | (response: UNOnLoadResponse<UNActivityOnLoadData>) => void | NO | Callback for handling onload event, also usable for error handling. |
Incoming Events:
- By using the
method, it's possible to to refresh the component data from a custom button. Important Note: one can use therefresh()
only after UNActivityComponent is loaded. (can be verified by onLoad callback)
import React from 'react';
import { UNActivityComponent, UNActivityOnLoadData, UNActivityRef } from 'react-native-unit-components';
const activityRef = useRef<UNActivityRef>(null);
const refresh = () => {
export default function YourComponent() {
return (
customerToken={/*Customer token here*/}
onLoad={(response: UNOnLoadResponse<UNActivityOnLoadData>) => { console.log(response) }}
Android SDK
Component name: UNActivityComponent
getActivityComponent parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
accountId | String | NO | Unit account id. |
additionalSettings | UNActivityViewSettingsInterface | NO | Additional settings unique for this component |
theme | String | NO | A URL that specifies the UI configuration. |
language | String | NO | A URL that specifies the language configuration. |
callbacks | UNActivityComponentCallbacks | NO | Component's Callbacks sealed class |
The callbacks parameter for UNActivityComponent is of the following type:
typealias UNActivityComponentCallbacks = (callback: UNActivityComponentCallback) -> Unit
The UNActivityComponentCallback is sealed class that has the following callbacks that you can receive from an Activity component:
sealed class UNActivityComponentCallback {
data class OnLoad(val onLoadResponse: Result<UNActivityOnLoadResponse>): UNActivityComponentCallback()
To get the Activity Component fragment, call the getActivityComponent
method of UnitComponentsSdk.manager.ui.views
import android.os.Bundle
import android.view.LayoutInflater
import android.view.View
import android.view.ViewGroup
import android.widget.LinearLayout
import co.unit.un_components.api.UnitComponentsSdk
import co.unit.un_components.common.enums.UNActivityComponentCallback
import co.unit.un_components.components.UNActivityView
class ActivityFragment : Fragment(){
override fun onCreateView( inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle?): View? {
private var unActivityComponent: UNActivityComponent? = null
unActivityComponent = UnitComponentsSdk.manager.ui.views.getActivityComponent(
accountId = YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID,
) { callback ->
when(callback) {
is UNActivityComponentCallback.OnLoad -> handleOnLoad(callback.onLoadResponse)
val fragmentLayout = inflater.inflate(R.layout.FILE_NAME, container, false)
.replace(, unActivityComponent as Fragment)
return fragmentLayout
// Events handlers
Incoming Events:
By using the refresh()
method, it's possible to to refresh the component data from a custom button.
Important Note: one can use the refresh()
only after unActivityComponent
is loaded.
// .......
The additionalSettings parameter for UNCardComponent has this attribute:
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
hideFilterButton | Boolean | false | Hide the filter button. |
hideTitle | Boolean | false | Hide the component title in case value is true . |
hideBackToTop | Boolean | false | Hide back to top button in case value is true . |
queryFilter | String | null | Query for filtering transactions and authorizations: Transactions, Authorizations. |
paginationType | UNActivityComponentPaginationType | .InfiniteScroll | Defines how more content is loaded. Possible values: .infiniteScroll , .pagination |
transactionsPerPage | Int | 8 for pagination and 15 for infinite scroll. | Number of transactions to fetch on each page or scroll to bottom. Also acts as initial number of transactions to fetch |
You can use UNActivityViewSettingsBuilder()
to create an instance of the interface and define your additional settings.
val additionalSettings = UNActivityViewSettingsBuilder()
unActivityComponent = UnitComponentsSdk.manager.ui.views.getActivityComponent(
accountId = YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID,
additionalSettings = additionalSettings,
Component name: UNActivityComponent
Configuration parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
accountId | String | YES | Unit account id. The account to show. |
additionalSettings | UNActivityViewSettingsProtocol | NO | Advanced optional settings. |
callbacks | UNActivityComponentCallbacks | NO | Callbacks to interact with the Activity component. |
theme | String | NO | A URL that specifies the UI configuration. |
language | String | NO | A URL that specifies the language configuration. |
The callbacks
parameter for UNActivityComponent
is of the following type:
public typealias UNActivityComponentCallbacks = (_ callback: UNActivityComponentCallback) -> Void
The UNActivityComponentCallback
is an enum
that has the following callbacks that you can receive from an Activity component:
public enum UNActivityComponentCallbacks {
case unitOnLoad(result: Result<Void, UNError>)
To get the Activity Component view call the getActivityComponent
method of UnitSDK.manager.ui.views
class ActivityScreen: UIViewController {
let unViews = UnitSDK.manager.ui.views
fileprivate lazy var activityComponent: UNActivityView = {
let activityComponent = unViews.getActivityComponent(accountId: accountId){ callback in
switch callback {
case .unitOnLoad(let result):
switch result {
case .success():
print("Successfully load Activity Component.")
case .failure(let error):
print("Failed to load ACHCredit component. Error details: \(error)")
return activityComponent
override func viewDidLoad() {
view.backgroundColor = .white
activityComponent.snp.makeConstraints { make in
Incoming Events:
By using the refresh()
method, it's possible to to refresh the component data from a custom button.
Important Note: one can use the refresh()
only after activityComponent
is loaded.
The additionalSettings
parameter for UNActivityComponent
is of the following type:
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
hideFilterButton | Bool | false | Hide the filter button. |
hideTitle | Bool | false | Hide the component title in case value is true . |
hideBackToTop | Bool | false | Hide back to top button in case value is true . |
queryFilter | String | Query for filtering transactions and authorizations: Transactions, Authorizations. | |
paginationType | UNActivityComponentPaginationType | .infiniteScroll | Defines how more content is loaded. Possible values: .infiniteScroll , .pagination |
transactionsPerPage | Int | 8 for pagination and 15 for infinite scroll | Number of transactions to fetch on each page or scroll to bottom. Also acts as initial number of transactions to fetch |
You can use UNActivityViewSettingsBuilder
to create an instance of the protocol and define your additional settings.
let additionalSettings = UNActivityViewSettingsBuilder()
let unViews = UnitSDK.manager.ui.views
let cardComponent = unViews.getActivityComponent(accountId: accountId, additionalSettings: additionalSettings)