The account component allows you to show your customers their different accounts, and allows them to:
- View account details
- Switch between accounts
- Download account statements
- Download a banking verification letter
Web Components
Add the Account Element to your app where you'd like it to be presented.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
account-id | string | No | Unit account id. The account to show, when not provided, one of the customer's accounts will be shown. |
customer-token | string | Yes | A Unit Customer token. Required Scopes: customers statements accounts |
theme | string | No | A URL that specifies the UI configuration. |
language | string | No | A URL that specifies the language configuration. |
hide-actions-menu-button | string | No | Hide actions menu button in case value is 'true'. |
hide-selection-menu-button | string | No | Hide selection menu button in case value is 'true'. |
show-left-to-spend | string | No | Show amount left to spend in case value is 'true', only relevant for credit accounts. |
hide-account-status | string | No | Hide account status in case value is 'true'. |
account-status-position | string | No | Position of the account status badge. Allowed values are start or end (default: end ). |
hide-account-details | string | No | Hide account details in case value is 'true'. |
hide-account-buttons | string | No | Hide account buttons in case value is 'true'. |
enable-fund-account-button | string | No | Enable fund account button in case value is 'true' (Top-right corner of account). |
enable-pay-someone-account-button | string | No | Enable pay someone button in case value is 'true' (Top-right corner of account). |
menu-items | string | No | A list of actions, The menu dynamically adjusts based on the provided list details, statements, bankVerification . |
hide-account-cta-banner | string | No | Hide the account call-to-action banner if the value is 'true'. This banner appears at the bottom of the account and prompts an action when a deposit account has zero funds or when a credit account is in a state where it cannot be used (e.g., closed, frozen, or at its limit). |
Event Name | Description | Detail |
unitAccountChanged | Occurs when a user switches to a different account | [Promise] Account |
unitRequestLeftToSpendDetails | Occurs when a user requests left to spend details | [Promise] Account |
Incoming events:
In some cases, the default menu button won't fit into the design of an application. By using the unitRequestOpenActionsMenu
incoming event, it's possible to open the account actions bottom sheet from a custom button
<button id="#custom-button">Account Actions</button>
document.querySelector('#custom-button').addEventListener('click', () => {
.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('unitRequestOpenActionsMenu'));
It's also possible to create your own menu and call account actions from it. Use unitRequestAccountAction
event and send inside an action you want to perform.
Possible actions: OpenAccountStatements
, OpenAccountDetails
, DownloadBankVerificationLetter
<button id="#custom-button">Download bank verification letter</button>
document.querySelector('#custom-button').addEventListener('click', () => {
new CustomEvent('unitRequestAccountAction', {
detail: { action: 'DownloadBankVerificationLetter' },
React Native SDK
UNAccountComponent props:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
customerToken | string | YES | A Unit Customer token. |
accountId | string | NO | Unit account id. The account to show, when not provided, one of the customer's accounts will be shown. |
theme | string | NO | A URL that specifies the UI configuration. |
language | string | NO | A URL that specifies the language configuration. |
menuItems | UNAccountMenuItem[] | NO | A list of actions, The menu dynamically adjusts based on the provided list [.details, .statements, .bankVerification] . |
showLeftToSpend | boolean | NO | Show amount left to spend in case value is true , only relevant for credit accounts. |
hideActionsMenuButton | boolean | NO | Hide actions menu button in case value is true |
hideSelectionMenuButton | boolean | NO | Hide selection menu button in case value is true |
onRequestLeftToSpendDetails | (account: UNAccountData) => void | NO | Callback for left to spend details request. |
onAccountChanged | (account: UNAccountData) => void | NO | Callback for account changes. |
onLoad | (response: UNOnLoadResponse<[UNAccountData]>) => void | NO | Callback for a loaded component |
import React from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-native-unit-components';
export default function YourComponent() {
return (
onAccountChanged={(account: UNAccountData) =>
console.log('Account changed', account)
onLoad={(response: UNOnLoadResponse<[UNAccountData]>) => {
Incoming Events:
In some cases, the default menu button won't fit into the design of an application. By using the
method, it's possible to open the account actions bottom sheet from a custom button.Important Note: one can use the
only after UNAccountComponent is loaded. (can be verified by onLoad callback)
import { UNAccountComponent, UNAccountRef } from 'react-native-unit-components';
const accountRef = useRef<UNAccountRef>(null);
const openAccountMenu = () => {
- It's also possible to create your own menu and call account actions from it. Use
openAction(action: UNAccountMenuAction)
method and send inside an action you want to perform. Use Unit's API Docs in order to understand which actions could be applied.
import { UNAccountMenuAction } from 'react-native-unit-components';
// .......
const openAction = (action: UNAccountMenuAction) => {
// .......
- By using the
method, it's possible to to refresh the component data from a custom button. Important Note: one can use therefresh()
only after UNAccountComponent is loaded. (can be verified by onLoad callback)
// .......
const refresh = () => {
// .......
Android SDK
Component name: UNAccountComponent
getAccountComponent parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
accountId | String | NO | Unit account id. |
additionalSettings | UNAccountViewSettingsInterface | NO | Additional settings unique for this component |
theme | String | NO | A URL that specifies the UI configuration. |
language | String | NO | A URL that specifies the language configuration. |
callbacks | UNAccountComponentCallbacks | NO | Component's Callbacks sealed class |
The callbacks parameter for UNAccountComponent is of the following type:
typealias UNAccountComponentCallbacks = (callback: UNAccountComponentCallback) -> Unit
The UNAccountComponentCallback is sealed class that has the following callbacks that you can receive from an Account component:
sealed class UNAccountComponentCallback {
data class OnLoad(val onLoadResponse: Result<List<UNAccount>>): UNAccountComponentCallback()
data class RequestLeftToSpendDetails(val account: UNAccount): UNAccountComponentCallback()
data class AccountChanged(val account: UNAccount): UNAccountComponentCallback()
To get the Account Component fragment, call the getAccountComponent
method of UnitComponentsSdk.manager.ui.views
import android.os.Bundle
import android.view.LayoutInflater
import android.view.View
import android.view.ViewGroup
import android.widget.LinearLayout
import co.unit.un_components.api.UnitComponentsSdk
import co.unit.un_components.common.enums.UNAccountComponentCallback
import co.unit.un_components.components.UNAccountView
import co.unit.un_components.common.models.account.UNAccount
import co.unit.un_components.common.models.account.UNAccount.*
class AccountFragment : Fragment(){
override fun onCreateView( inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle?): View? {
private var unAccountComponent: UNAccountComponent? = null
unAccountComponent = UnitComponentsSdk.manager.ui.views.getAccountComponent(
accountId = YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID,
) { callback ->
when(callback) {
is UNAccountComponentCallback.OnLoad -> handleOnLoad(callback.onLoadResponse)
is UNAccountComponentCallback.RequestLeftToSpendDetails -> handleRequestLeftToSpendDetails(callback.account)
is UNAccountComponentCallback.AccountChanged -> handleAccountChange(callback.account)
val fragmentLayout = inflater.inflate(R.layout.FILE_NAME, container, false)
.replace(, unAccountComponent as Fragment)
return fragmentLayout
private fun handleAccountChange(account: UNAccount) {
when (account) {
is UNDepositAccount -> print("[Account component] Account Change: $account, account-number=${account.attributes.accountNumber}, balance=${account.attributes.balance}\")")
is UNBatchAccount -> print("[Account component] Account Change: $account, account-number=${account.attributes.accountNumber}, balance=${account.attributes.balance}\")")
is UNCreditAccount -> print("[Account component] Account Change: $account, balance=${account.attributes.balance}\")")
private fun handleRequestLeftToSpendDetails(account: UNAccount) {
requireActivity().runOnUiThread {
when(account) {
is UNDepositAccount -> activity?.showAlert("Request More details: id=${}, type=${account.type}")
is UNBatchAccount -> activity?.showAlert("Request More details: id=${}, type=${account.type}")
is UNCreditAccount -> activity?.showAlert("Request More details: id=${}, type=${account.type}")
print("[Account component] onRequestLeftToSpendDetails: $account")
private fun accountUnitOnLoad(onLoadResult: Result<List<UNAccount>>) {
if(onLoadResult.isSuccess) {
} else {
when (val exception = onLoadResult.exceptionOrNull()) {
is UNComponentsError.OnLoad -> {
Incoming Events:
In some cases, the default menu button won't fit into the design of an application.
By using the openActionsMenu()
method, it's possible to open the account menu bottom-sheet from a custom button.
Important Note: one can use the openActionsMenu()
only after unAccountComponent
is loaded.
It's also possible to create your own menu and call account actions from it. Use openAction(action: UNAccountMenuAction) method and send inside an action you want to perform. Use Unit's API Docs in order to understand which actions could be applied.
import co.unit.un_components.common.models.Account.UNAccountMenuAction
// .......
By using the refresh()
method, it's possible to to refresh the component data from a custom button.
Important Note: one can use the refresh()
only after UNAccountComponent
is loaded.
import co.unit.un_components.common.models.Account.UNAccountMenuAction
// .......
The additionalSettings parameter for UNAccountComponent has this attribute:
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
hideActionsMenuButton | Boolean | false | Hide the actions menu buttons. |
hideSelectionMenuButton | Boolean | false | Hide selection menu button. |
hideAccountStatus | boolean | false | Hide account's status in case value is true |
hideAccountDetails | boolean | false | Hide account's details in case value is true |
hideAccountButtons | boolean | false | Hide account's buttons in case value is true |
hideAccountCtaBanner | boolean | false | Hide account's CTA banner in case value is true |
showLeftToSpend | Boolean | false | Show amount left to spend in case value is true , only relevant for credit accounts. |
enableFundAccountButton | boolean | true | Enable fund account button in case value is true |
enablePaySomeoneAccountButton | boolean | true | Enable pay someone account button in case value is true |
menuItems | List<UNAccountComponentMenuItems> | null | A list of actions, The menu dynamically adjusts based on the provided list [.details, .statements, .bankVerification]. |
You can use UNActivityViewSettingsBuilder()
to create an instance of the interface and define your additional settings.
val additionalSettings = UNAccountViewSettingsBuilder()
unAccountComponent = UnitComponentsSdk.manager.ui.views.getAccountComponent(
accountId = YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID,
additionalSettings = additionalSettings,
Component name: UNAccountComponent
Configuration parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
accountId | String | YES | Unit account id. The account for which the activity will be shown. |
additionalSettings | UNAccountViewSettingsProtocol | NO | Advanced optional settings. |
theme | String | NO | A URL that specifies the UI configuration. |
language | String | NO | A URL that specifies the language configuration. |
callbacks | UNAccountComponentCallbacks | NO | Callbacks to interact with the Account component. |
The callbacks
parameter for UNAccountComponent
is of the following type:
public typealias UNAccountComponentCallbacks = (_ callback: UNAccountComponentCallback) -> Void
The UNAccountComponentCallback
is an enum
that has the following callbacks that you can receive from an Account component:
public enum UNAccountComponentCallback {
case unitOnLoad(result: Result<[UNAccountData], UNError>)
case onAccountChange(account: UNAccountData)
case onRequestLeftToSpendDetails(account: UNAccountData)
To get the Account Component call the getAccountComponent
method of UnitSDK.manager.ui.views
import UIKit
import UNComponents
import SnapKit
class AccountScreen: UIViewController {
fileprivate lazy var accountComponent: UNAccountView = {
let unViews = UnitSDK.manager.ui.views
let accountComponent = unViews.getAccountComponent(accountId: "424242"){ callback in
switch callback {
case .unitOnLoad(let result):
switch result {
case .success(let accounts):
print("Success. Accounts Data: \(accounts)")
case .failure(let error):
print("Fail to load Account component. Error details: \(error)")
case .onAccountChange(let account):
print(("Account \( is changed"))
case .onRequestLeftToSpendDetails(let account):
print(("Request left to spend details for account \("))
return accountComponent
override func viewDidLoad() {
view.backgroundColor = .white
accountComponent.snp.makeConstraints { make in
Incoming Events:
In some cases, the default menu button won't fit into the design of an application.
By using the openActionsMenu()
method, it's possible to open the account actions bottom sheet from a custom button.
Important Note: one can use the openActionsMenu() only after UNAccountComponent is loaded. (can be verified by onLoad callback)
It's also possible to create your own menu and call account actions from it. Use openAction(action: UNAccountMenuAction)
method and send inside an action you want to perform. Use Unit's API Docs in order to understand which actions could be applied.
Example: UNAccountMenuAction.details)
By using the refresh()
method, it's possible to to refresh the component data from a custom button.
Important Note: one can use the refresh()
only after UNAccountComponent is loaded.
The additionalSettings
parameter for UNAccountComponent
is of the following type:
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
hideActionsMenuButton | Bool | false | Hide the actions menu buttons. |
hideSelectionMenuButton | Bool | false | Hide selection menu button. |
menuItems | [UNAccountComponentMenuItems] | A list of actions, The menu dynamically adjusts based on the provided list [.details, .statements, .bankVerification] . | |
showLeftToSpend | Bool | false | Show amount left to spend in case value is true , only relevant for credit accounts. |
You can use UNAccountViewSettingsBuilder
to create an instance of the protocol and define your additional settings.
let additionalSettings = UNAccountViewSettingsBuilder()
let unViews = UnitSDK.manager.ui.views
let cardComponent = unViews.getAccountComponent(accountId: "424242", additionalSettings: additionalSettings)