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firststringIndividual first name.
laststringIndividual last name.
Example FullName type:
"first": "Peter",
"last": "Parker"


streetstringFirst line of an address.
street2stringOptional. Second line of an address.
statestringState. For US and CA addresses, two letters representing the state (US) or province (CA).
postalCodestringPostal code.
countryISO31661-Alpha2 stringTwo letters representing the country.
Example Address type:
"street": "20 Ingram St",
"city": "Forest Hills",
"state": "NY",
"postalCode": "11375",
"country": "US"


countryCodestringCountry code of the phone number, e.g. "1" for US.
numberstringThe phone number without the country code, e.g. "4151193497". For US phone numbers, 10 digits are required.
Example US Phone type:
"countryCode": "1",
"number": "1555555555"
Example Non-US Phone type:
"countryCode": "972",
"number": "505555555"


fullNameFullNameFull name of the officer.
titlestringOne of CEO, COO, CFO, President, BenefitsAdministrationOfficer, CIO, VP, AVP, Treasurer, Secretary, Controller, Manager, Partner or Member.
ssnstringSSN of the officer (numbers only). One of ssn or passport is required. It is optional to provide only last 4 SSN digits.
passportstringPassport of the officer. One of ssn or passport is required.
nationalityISO31661-Alpha2 stringAlways when Passport is populated and optional when SSN is populated. Two letters representing the officer's nationality.
dateOfBirthRFC3339 Date stringDate only (e.g. "2001-08-15").
addressAddressThe officer's address.
phonePhoneThe officer's phone number.
emailstringThe officer's email address.
evaluationParamsEvaluationParamsOptional. Evaluation Params for this entity.
occupationOccupationRequired if any of the officer / BeneficialOwner of the business have a non US nationality. Occupation of the officer.
annualIncomeAnnualIncomeRequired if any of the officer / BeneficialOwner of the business have a non US nationality. Annual income of the officer.
sourceOfIncomeSourceOfIncomeRequired if any of the officer / BeneficialOwner of the business have a non US nationality. Source of income of the officer.
Example CreateOfficer type:
"fullName": {
"first": "Richard",
"last": "Hendricks"
"dateOfBirth": "2001-08-15",
"ssn": "721074426",
"email": "",
"phone": {
"countryCode": "1",
"number": "5555555555"
"address": {
"street": "5230 Newell Rd",
"city": "Palo Alto",
"state": "CA",
"postalCode": "94303",
"country": "US"
"occupation": "ArchitectOrEngineer",
"annualIncome": "Between50kAnd100k",
"sourceOfIncome": "EmploymentOrPayrollIncome"


statusstringOne of Approved, Denied or PendingReview.
fullNameFullNameFull name of the officer.
titlestringOne of CEO, COO, CFO, President, BenefitsAdministrationOfficer, CIO, VP, AVP, Treasurer, Secretary, Controller, Manager, Partner or Member.
ssnstringSSN of the officer (numbers only). One of ssn or passport is required.
passportstringPassport of the officer. One of ssn or passport is required.
nationalityISO31661-Alpha2 stringAlways when Passport is populated and optional when SSN is populated. Two letters representing the officer's nationality.
dateOfBirthRFC3339 Date stringDate only (e.g. "2001-08-15").
addressAddressThe officer's address.
phonePhoneThe officer's phone number.
emailstringThe officer's email address.
idTheftScorenumberOptional. Score (0-1000) for ID theft verification, >900 is auto rejected as default (threshold is configurable).
occupationOccupationOptional. Occupation of the officer.
annualIncomeAnnualIncomeOptional. Annual income of the officer.
sourceOfIncomeSourceOfIncomeOptional. Source of income of the officer.
Example Officer type:
"status": "Approved",
"fullName": {
"first": "Richard",
"last": "Hendricks"
"dateOfBirth": "2001-08-15",
"ssn": "721074426",
"email": "",
"phone": {
"countryCode": "1",
"number": "5555555555"
"address": {
"street": "5230 Newell Rd",
"city": "Palo Alto",
"state": "CA",
"postalCode": "94303",
"country": "US"
"occupation": "ArchitectOrEngineer",
"annualIncome": "Between50kAnd100k",
"sourceOfIncome": "EmploymentOrPayrollIncome"


fullNameFullNameFull name of the beneficial owner.
ssnstringSSN of the beneficial owner (numbers only). One of ssn or passport is required. It is optional to provide only last 4 SSN digits.
passportstringPassport of the beneficial owner. One of ssn or passport is required.
nationalityISO31661-Alpha2 stringAlways when Passport is populated and optional when SSN is populated. Two letters representing the beneficial owner's nationality.
dateOfBirthRFC3339 Date stringDate only (e.g. "2001-08-15").
addressAddressThe beneficial owner's address.
phonePhoneThe beneficial owner's phone number.
emailstringThe beneficial owner's email address.
percentageintegerThe beneficial owner percentage of ownership at the business (between 1 and 100).
evaluationParamsEvaluationParamsOptional. Evaluation Params for this entity.
occupationOccupationRequired if any of the officer / BeneficialOwner of the business have a non US nationality. Occupation of the beneficial owner.
annualIncomeAnnualIncomeRequired if any of the officer / BeneficialOwner of the business have a non US nationality. Annual income of the beneficial owner.
sourceOfIncomeSourceOfIncomeRequired if any of the officer / BeneficialOwner of the business have a non US nationality. Source of income of the beneficial owner.
Example CreateBeneficialOwner type:
"fullName": {
"first": "Richard",
"last": "Hendricks"
"dateOfBirth": "2001-08-15",
"ssn": "721074426",
"email": "",
"percentage": 25,
"phone": {
"countryCode": "1",
"number": "5555555555"
"address": {
"street": "5230 Newell Rd",
"city": "Palo Alto",
"state": "CA",
"postalCode": "94303",
"country": "US"
"occupation": "ArchitectOrEngineer",
"annualIncome": "Between50kAnd100k",
"sourceOfIncome": "EmploymentOrPayrollIncome"


statusstringOne of Approved, Denied or PendingReview.
fullNameFullNameFull name of the beneficial owner.
ssnstringSSN of the beneficial owner (numbers only). One of ssn or passport is required.
passportstringPassport of the beneficial owner. One of ssn or passport is required.
nationalityISO31661-Alpha2 stringAlways when Passport is populated and optional when SSN is populated. Two letters representing the beneficial owner's nationality.
dateOfBirthRFC3339 Date stringDate only (e.g. "2001-08-15").
addressAddressThe beneficial owner's address.
phonePhoneThe beneficial owner's phone number.
emailstringThe beneficial owner's email address.
percentageintegerThe beneficial owner percentage of ownership at the business (between 1 and 100).
idTheftScorenumberOptional. Score (0-1000) for ID theft verification, >900 is auto rejected as default (threshold is configurable).
occupationOccupationOptional. Occupation of the beneficial owner.
annualIncomeAnnualIncomeOptional. Annual income of the beneficial owner.
sourceOfIncomeSourceOfIncomeOptional. Source of income of the beneficial owner.
Example BeneficialOwner type:
"status": "Approved",
"fullName": {
"first": "Richard",
"last": "Hendricks"
"percentage": 25,
"dateOfBirth": "2001-08-15",
"ssn": "721074426",
"email": "",
"phone": {
"countryCode": "1",
"number": "5555555555"
"address": {
"street": "5230 Newell Rd",
"city": "Palo Alto",
"state": "CA",
"postalCode": "94303",
"country": "US"
"occupation": "ArchitectOrEngineer",
"annualIncome": "Between50kAnd100k",
"sourceOfIncome": "EmploymentOrPayrollIncome"


fullNameFullNameFull name of the contact.
emailstringThe contact's email address.
phonePhoneThe contact's phone number.
jwtSubjectstringOptional. See this section for more information.
Example BusinessContact type:
"fullName": {
"first": "Richard",
"last": "Hendricks"
"email": "",
"phone": {
"countryCode": "1",
"number": "5555555555"


applicationTypestringAllOptional. For application form V1, One of Individual, Business or SoleProprietorship. For application form V2, One of Individual, Business, SingleMemberBusiness, or MultipleMemberBusiness
fullNameFullNameIndividualOptional. Full name of the individual.
ssnstringIndividual / Sole ProprietorshipOptional. SSN of the individual (numbers only). Either an SSN or a passport number is required.
passportstringIndividual / Sole ProprietorshipOptional. Passport number of the individual. Either an SSN or a passport is required.
nationalityISO31661-Alpha2 stringIndividual / Sole ProprietorshipOptional. Two letters representing the individual nationality. (e.g. "US").
dateOfBirthRFC3339 Date stringIndividual / Sole ProprietorshipOptional. Date only (e.g. "2001-08-15").
emailstringIndividual / Sole ProprietorshipOptional. Email address of the individual.
namestringBusinessOptional. Name of the business.
stateOfIncorporationstringBusinessOptional. Two letters representing a US state.
entityTypestringBusinessOptional. One of LLC, Partnership, PubliclyTradedCorporation, PrivatelyHeldCorporation or NotForProfitOrganization.
contactBusinessContactBusinessOptional. Primary contact of the business.
officerOfficerBusinessOptional. Officer representing the business (must be the CEO, COO, CFO, President, BenefitsAdministrationOfficer, CIO, VP, AVP, Treasurer, Secretary, Controller, Manager, Partner or Member). To onboard a business successfully, you must provide the officer's personal details.
beneficialOwnersArray of BeneficialOwnerBusinessOptional. Array of beneficial owners in the business. Beneficial owners are all people that, directly or indirectly, own 25% or more of the business. To onboard a business successfully, you must provide each beneficial owner's personal details.
websitestringSole Proprietorship / BusinessOptional. Business's website.
dbastringSole Proprietorship / BusinessOptional. "Doing business as". If the individual is a sole proprietor who is doing business under a different name, specify it here.
einstringSole Proprietorship / BusinessOptional. If the individual is a sole proprietor who has an Employer Identification Number, specify it here. / Business EIN (numbers only).
addressAddressAllOptional. Address of the individual / Address of the business.
phonePhoneAllOptional. Phone number of the individual / Phone number of the business.
jwtSubjectstringAllOptional. See this section for more information.
occupationOccupationIndividual / Sole ProprietorshipOptional. Occupation of the individual / sole proprietor.
annualIncomeAnnualIncomeIndividual / Sole ProprietorshipOptional. Annual income of the individual / sole proprietor.
sourceOfIncomeSourceOfIncomeIndividual / Sole ProprietorshipOptional. Source of income of the individual / sole proprietor.
businessVerticalBusinessVerticalSole Proprietorship / BusinessOptional. The business vertical of the sole proprietor / business.
annualRevenueAnnualRevenueSole Proprietorship / BusinessOptional. Annual revenue of the sole proprietor / business.
numberOfEmployeesNumberOfEmployeesSole Proprietorship / BusinessOptional. Number of employees of the sole proprietor / business.
cashFlowCashFlowBusinessOptional. Cash flow of the business.
yearOfIncorporationYear stringBusinessOptional. Year of incorporation of the business.
countriesOfOperationArray of ISO31661-Alpha2 stringsBusinessOptional. An array of two letter codes representing the countries of operation of the business.
stockSymbolstringBusinessOptional. The stock symbol (ticker) of the business.
hasNonUsEntitiesbooleanBusinessOptional. Indicates if any of the officer / BeneficialOwner of the business have a non US nationality.
Example ApplicationFormPrefill type:
"applicationType": "MultipleMemberBusiness",
"fullName": {
"first": "Peter",
"last": "Parker"
"ssn": "721074426",
"passport": "12345678",
"nationality": "US",
"dateOfBirth": "2001-08-10",
"email": "",
"name": "Pied Piper",
"stateOfIncorporation": "DE",
"entityType": "Corporation",
"contact": {
"fullName": {
"first": "Richard",
"last": "Hendricks"
"email": "",
"phone": {
"countryCode": "1",
"number": "5555555555"
"officer": {
"fullName": {
"first": "Richard",
"last": "Hendricks"
"dateOfBirth": "2001-08-10",
"title": "CEO",
"ssn": "721074426",
"email": "",
"phone": {
"countryCode": "1",
"number": "5555555555"
"address": {
"street": "5230 Newell Rd",
"city": "Palo Alto",
"state": "CA",
"postalCode": "94303",
"country": "US"
"beneficialOwners": [
"fullName": {
"first": "Richard",
"last": "Hendricks"
"dateOfBirth": "2001-08-10",
"ssn": "123456789",
"email": "",
"percentage": 75,
"phone": {
"countryCode": "1",
"number": "5555555555"
"address": {
"street": "5230 Newell Rd",
"city": "Palo Alto",
"state": "CA",
"postalCode": "94303",
"country": "US"
"website": "",
"dba": "Piedpiper Inc",
"ein": "123456789",
"address": {
"street": "5230 Newell Rd",
"city": "Palo Alto",
"state": "CA",
"postalCode": "94303",
"country": "US"
"phone": {
"countryCode": "1",
"number": "5555555555"
"occupation": "Doctor",
"sourceOfIncome": "EmploymentOrPayrollIncome",
"annualIncome": "Between10kAnd25k",
"businessVertical": "TechnologyMediaOrTelecom",
"annualRevenue": "Between500kAnd1m",
"numberOfEmployees": "Between50And100",
"cashFlow": "Predictable",
"yearOfIncorporation": "2014",
"countriesOfOperation": [
"stockSymbol": "PPI",
"hasNonUsEntities": false


redirectUrlstringOptional. URL that is presented to the user when an application has been submitted
privacyPolicyUrlstringOptional. Privacy Policy
electronicDisclosuresUrlstringOptional. Consent to Electronic Disclosures
depositTermsUrlstringOptional. Deposit Terms & Conditions
clientTermsUrlstringOptional. Client Terms of Service
cardholderTermsUrlstringOptional. Cardholder Terms and Conditions
cashAdvancedTermsUrlstringOptional. Cash Advance Terms and Conditions
debitCardDisclosureUrlstringOptional. Debit Card Disclosure
additionalDisclosuresArray of {title, url} objectsOptional. Array of additional disclosures that were not covered by the above links
useSelfieVerificationbooleanOptional. If true, the applicant will be required to complete the selfie verification process when an ID document is required.
disablePassportApplicationbooleanOptional. If true, the applicant will not be able to apply using a passport (SSN only).
Example ApplicationFormSettingsOverride type:
"redirectUrl": "",
"privacyPolicyUrl": "",
"electronicDisclosuresUrl": "",
"depositTermsUrl": "",
"clientTermsUrl": "",
"cardholderTermsUrl": "",
"cashAdvancedTermsUrl": "",
"debitCardDisclosureUrl": "",
"additionalDisclosures": [
"title": "My org additional terms",
"url": ""
"useSelfieVerification": false,
"disablePassportApplication": false


fullNameFullNameFull name of the authorized user.
emailstringThe authorized user's email address.
phonePhoneThe authorized user's phone number. This number will be used for One Time Password (OTP) authentication.
jwtSubjectstringOptional. See this section for more information.
Example AuthorizedUser type:
"fullName": {
"first": "Richard",
"last": "Hendricks"
"email": "",
"phone": {
"countryCode": "1",
"number": "5555555555"


routingNumberstringValid 9-digit ABA routing transit number.
accountNumberstringBank account number.
accountTypestringEither Checking, Savings or Loan.
namestringName of the person or company that owns the bank account.
Example Counterparty type:
"counterparty": {
"routingNumber": "812345678",
"accountNumber": "12345569",
"accountType": "Checking",
"name": "Jane Doe"

Wire Counterparty

routingNumberstringValid 9-digit ABA routing transit number.
accountNumberstringBank account number.
namestringName of the person or company that owns the bank account.
addressAddressAddress of the counterparty account owner.
Example Wire Counterparty type:
"counterparty": {
"name": "April Oneil",
"routingNumber": "812345678",
"accountNumber": "1000000001",
"address": {
"street": "20 Ingram St",
"city": "Forest Hills",
"state": "CA",
"postalCode": "11375",
"country": "US"

Check Counterparty

routingNumberstringValid 9-digit ABA routing transit number.
accountNumberstringBank account number.
namestringName of the person or company that owns the bank account.
Example Check Counterparty type:
"counterparty": {
"name": "April Oneil",
"routingNumber": "812345678",
"accountNumber": "1000000001"

Check Payment Counterparty

namestringThe name of the person or company that owns the bank account.
addressAddressThe payee's address. The length of street and street2 combined cannot exceed 50 characters.
counterpartyMovedbooleanOptional. True if the counterparty's address has been modified to correspond with a National Change of Address applied on the address. See guide for further information.
Example Check Payment Counterparty type:
"counterparty": {
"name": "John Doe",
"counterpartyMoved": true,
"address": {
"street": "20 Ingram St",
"street2": "Apt #10",
"city": "Forest Hills",
"state": "NY",
"postalCode": "11375",
"country": "US"


longitudenumberThe longitude value.
latitudenumberThe latitude value.
Example Coordinates type:
"longitude": -77.0364,
"latitude": 38.8951


providerstringProvider of the device fingerprint fraud and risk prevention. The value is always iovation
valuestringThe device fingerprint blackbox value.
Example DeviceFingerprint type:
"provider": "iovation",
"value": "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"

Healthcare Amounts

dentalAmountintegerDental expense (cents).
transitAmountintegerTransit expense (cents).
visionOpticalAmountintegerVision expense (cents).
prescriptionRXAmountintegerPrescription drugs expense (cents).
clinicOtherQualifiedMedicalAmountintegerMisc medical expense (cents).
totalHealthcareAmountintegerTotal medical expense (cents).
Example Healthcare Amounts type:
"dentalAmount": 0,
"transitAmount": 0,
"visionOpticalAmount": 2000,
"prescriptionRXAmount": 0,
"clinicOtherQualifiedMedicalAmount": 0,
"totalHealthcareAmount": 2000


The business industry. One of: Retail, Wholesale, Restaurants, Hospitals, Construction, Insurance, Unions, RealEstate, FreelanceProfessional, OtherProfessionalServices, OnlineRetailer, OtherEducationServices.

Create Schedule

startTimeRFC3339 Date stringOptional. Start time of the recurring payment. Date only (e.g. "2022-06-29")
endTimeRFC3339 Date stringOptional. End time of the recurring payment. Date only (e.g. "2022-10-29 ")
intervalstringInterval of the schedule. Can be Monthly or Weekly.
dayOfMonthintegerScheduled day of the month. Required when Monthly interval is specified. Valid values can be between 1-28 or (-5)-(-1). Negative numbers represent relative day to the end of the month. -1 represents the last day of the month.
dayOfWeekstringScheduled day of the week. Required when Weekly interval is specified. Valid values are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
totalNumberOfPaymentsintegerOptional. Total number of payment repetitions. Positive integers only.
Example Create Schedule type:
"schedule": {
"startTime": "2022-06-29",
"endTime": "2022-10-29",
"interval": "Monthly",
"dayOfMonth": 3,
"totalNumberOfPayments": 4


startTimeRFC3339 Date stringStart time of the recurring payment. Date only (e.g. "2022-06-29")
endTimeRFC3339 Date stringOptional. End time of the recurring payment. Date only (e.g. "2022-10-29 ")
intervalstringInterval of the schedule. Can be Monthly or Weekly.
dayOfMonthintegerScheduled day of the month. Required when Monthly interval is specified. Valid values can be between 1-28 or (-5)-(-1). Negative numbers represent relative day to the end of the month. -1 represents the last day of the month.
dayOfWeekstringScheduled day of the week. Required when Weekly interval is specified. Valid values are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
totalNumberOfPaymentsintegerOptional. Total number of payment repetitions. Positive integers only.
nextScheduledActionstringThe next scheduled date of the action.
Example Monthly schedule:
"schedule": {
"startTime": "2022-06-29",
"endTime": "2022-10-29",
"interval": "Monthly",
"dayOfMonth": 3,
"totalNumberOfPayments": 4,
"nextScheduledAction": "2022-07-03"
Example Weekly schedule:
"schedule": {
"startTime": "2022-06-29",
"endTime": "2022-10-29",
"interval": "Weekly",
"dayOfWeek": "Monday",
"totalNumberOfPayments": 4,
"nextScheduledAction": "2022-07-03"

Evaluation Params

useSelfieVerificationOne of: Never, ReplaceIdentificationOptional. Decide when to request a selfie verification document
requireIdVerificationbooleanOptional, default to false. Decide whether to require an ID verification regardless of evaluation response
Example Evaluation Params type:
"evaluationParams": {
"useSelfieVerification": "ReplaceIdentification",
"requireIdVerification": true

Require Id Verification

individualBooleanOptional. Decide whether to require an ID verification from an individual
officerBooleanOptional. Decide whether to require an ID verification from an officer
beneficialOwnersBooleanOptional. Decide whether to require an ID verification from all beneficial owners
Example Require Id Verification type:
"requireIdVerification": {
"individual": false,
"officer": false,
"beneficialOwners": true

Rich Merchant Data

namestringName of the merchant.
websitestringOptional. URL of the merchant's website.
logostringOptional. URL of the merchant's logo.
phonestringOptional. Phone number of the merchant.
categoriesArray of {name, icon} objectsOptional. Array of categories the merchant belongs to (from the least specific to the most specific).
address{city, state, country and optionally street} objectOptional. Address of the merchant.
coordinatesCoordinatesOptional. Coordinates (latitude, longitude) of the merchant.
facilitatorsArray of FacilitatorsOptional. The transaction facilitators.
Example Rich Merchant Data type:
"richMerchantData": {
"name": "7-Eleven",
"website": "",
"logo": "",
"phone": "",
"categories": [
"name": "Retail",
"icon": ""
"name": "Convenience Store",
"icon": ""
"address": {
"city": "Orlando",
"state": "FL",
"country": "USA"
"coordinates": null

Rich Merchant Data Facilitator

namestringName of the facilitator.
typestringOptional. Type of the facilitator. One of BuyNowPayLater, DeliveryService, Marketplace, PaymentProcessor, Platform, PointOfSale.
logostringOptional. Url of the facilitator.
Example Rich Merchant Data Facilitator type:
"name": "DoorDash",
"type": "DeliveryService",
"logo": ""

Currency Conversion

originalCurrencystringISO 4217 currency code of original currency.
amountInOriginalCurrencynumberThe amount in original currency in 'cents' (i.e. 50 euros will be written 5000)
fxRatestringOptional. The conversion rate for the currency conversion to USD.
Example Foreign Exchange Currency Information type:
"originalCurrency": "EUR",
"amountInOriginalCurrency": 5000,
"fxRate": "1.164"


The occupation of an individual. One of: ArchitectOrEngineer, BusinessAnalystAccountantOrFinancialAdvisor, CommunityAndSocialServicesWorker, ConstructionMechanicOrMaintenanceWorker, Doctor, Educator, EntertainmentSportsArtsOrMedia, ExecutiveOrManager, FarmerFishermanForester, FoodServiceWorker, GigWorker, HospitalityOfficeOrAdministrativeSupportWorker, HouseholdManager, JanitorHousekeeperLandscaper, Lawyer, ManufacturingOrProductionWorker, MilitaryOrPublicSafety, NurseHealthcareTechnicianOrHealthcareSupport, PersonalCareOrServiceWorker, PilotDriverOperator, SalesRepresentativeBrokerAgent, ScientistOrTechnologist, Student

Annual Income

The annual income of an individual.

UpTo10k$0 - $10,000
Between10kAnd25k$10,000 - $25,000
Between25kAnd50k$25,000 - $50,000
Between50kAnd100k$50,000 - $100,000
Between100kAnd250k$100,000 - $250,000

Source Of Income

The source of income of an individual. One of: EmploymentOrPayrollIncome, PartTimeOrContractorIncome, InheritancesAndGifts, PersonalInvestments, BusinessOwnershipInterests, GovernmentBenefits.

Business Vertical

The business vertical/industry of a sole proprietor or a business.


Annual Revenue

The annual revenue of a sole proprietor or a business.

For businesses:

UpTo250k$0 - $250,000
Between250kAnd500k$250,000 - $500,000
Between500kAnd1m$500,000 - $1 million
Between1mAnd5m$1 million - $5 million
Over5m$5+ million

For sole proprietors:

UpTo50k$0 - $50,000
Between50kAnd100k$50,000 - $100,000
Between100kAnd200k$100,000 - $200,000
Between200kAnd500k$200,000 - $500,000

Number Of Employees

The number of employees of a sole proprietor or a business.

For businesses:

UpTo100 - 10
Between10And5010 - 50
Between50And10050 - 100
Between100And500100 - 500

For sole proprietors:

One1 (only myself)
Between2And52 - 5
Between5And105 - 10

Cash Flow

The cash flow of a business.

UnpredictableI'm a new company / my cash flow fluctuates
PredictableI'm an established company with predictable cash flows

Push to Card Configuration

The Astra push to card configuration

authTokenA token that represents a user that successfully completed authentication with Astra (called access_token in Astra's documentation). You need to refresh the token before creating a Push To Card payment.
debitFeePercentOptional. The fee percentage will be used by Astra in order to calculate the fee amount that will be deducted from the sent amount. If not included, Astra will use the default fee percent that was defined for the account
institutionIdA unique identifier received from Astra to represent your organization
destinationCardIdA unique identifier received from Astra to represent the external debit card where the funds are pushed to
routingNumberThe routing number of the account with Astra where funds are processed through
accountNumberThe account number of the account with Astra where funds are processed through
referenceIdAdditional payment information (maximum of 80 characters) to help with connecting the PushToCard payment recourse with internal resources from your system

White-label App end user config

allowedApplicationTypesArray of Individual, Business or SoleProprietorship.Optional. Restrict the available application type for this specific application.
applicantDetailsApplicationFormPrefillData that is already known about the end-customer to be auto populated on the application form.
Example whiteLabelAppEndUserConfig type:
"data": {
"type": "whiteLabelAppEndUserConfig",
"attributes": {
"allowedApplicationTypes": [
"applicantDetails": {
"applicationType": "MultipleMemberBusiness",
"fullName": {
"first": "Peter",
"last": "Parker"
"ssn": "721074426",
"passport": "12345678",
"nationality": "US",
"dateOfBirth": "2001-08-10",
"email": "",
"name": "Pied Piper",
"stateOfIncorporation": "DE",
"entityType": "Corporation",
"contact": {
"fullName": {
"first": "Richard",
"last": "Hendricks"
"email": "",
"phone": {
"countryCode": "1",
"number": "2345789888"
"officer": {
"fullName": {
"first": "Richard",
"last": "Hendricks"
"occupation": "Doctor",
"dateOfBirth": "2001-08-10",
"title": "CEO",
"ssn": "721074426",
"email": "",
"phone": {
"countryCode": "1",
"number": "2345789888"
"address": {
"street": "5230 Newell Rd",
"city": "Palo Alto",
"state": "CA",
"postalCode": "94303",
"country": "US"
"beneficialOwners": [
"fullName": {
"first": "Richard",
"last": "Hendricks"
"occupation": "Doctor",
"dateOfBirth": "2001-08-10",
"ssn": "123456789",
"email": "",
"percentage": 75,
"phone": {
"countryCode": "1",
"number": "2345789888"
"address": {
"street": "5230 Newell Rd",
"city": "Palo Alto",
"state": "CA",
"postalCode": "94303",
"country": "US"
"website": "",
"dba": "Piedpiper Inc",
"ein": "123456789",
"address": {
"street": "5230 Newell Rd",
"city": "Palo Alto",
"state": "CA",
"postalCode": "94303",
"country": "US"
"phone": {
"countryCode": "1",
"number": "2345789888"
"sourceOfIncome": "EmploymentOrPayrollIncome",
"annualIncome": "Between10kAnd25k",
"businessVertical": "TechnologyMediaOrTelecom",
"annualRevenue": "Between500kAnd1m",
"numberOfEmployees": "Between50And100",
"cashFlow": "Predictable",
"yearOfIncorporation": "2014",
"countriesOfOperation": [
"stockSymbol": "PPI",
"hasNonUsEntities": false

Fraud Case Card Activity

Represents a card activity that is part of a TransactionCardFraudCase or AuthorizationCardFraudCase.

idstringThe id of the fraud case card activity.
createdAtRFC3339 Date stringThe date the activity was created.
activityTypestringThe type of the activity. Can be either Authorization or Transaction.
cardActivityCreatedAtRFC3339 Date stringThe creation date of the original Authorization or Transaction the activity was created upon.
cardActivitystringThe id of the original Authorization or Transaction of the activity.
locationstringThe location in which the activity occurred.
merchantstringThe name of the merchant of the activity.
amountintegerThe amount (in cents) of the activity.
decisionstringThe decision made for the activity. Can be one of Pending, Fraud, NoFraud.
updatedAtRFC3339 Date stringThe date the activity was last updated.
Example Fraud Case Card Activity type:
"id": "15",
"createdAt": "2024-07-31T11:02:27.355Z",
"activityType": "Authorization",
"cardActivityCreatedAt": "2024-07-31T11:02:27.270Z",
"cardActivity": "8082294",
"location": "Cupertino, CA, US",
"merchant": "Apple Inc.",
"amount": 2500,
"decision": "Fraud",
"updatedAt": "2024-07-31T11:04:43.696Z"

Total Accrued Interest

Represents a sum of customer accrued interest for a given period of time

amountintegerThe total amount of customer accrued interest (in cents).
Example Total Accrued Interest type:
"data": {
"type": "totalAccruedInterest",
"attributes": {
"amount": 1108647