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Receiving ACH Payments

Unit allows you to receive ACH payments. For general information on the ACH network, we recommend the following series from Gusto: How ACH Works: a Developer's Perspective.


For more information on receiving ACH payments, please refer to Unit's ACH Guide

You may receive ACH payments (both Debit and Credit) into any deposit account. To do so, you may provide the routing number and account number to trusted third parties. These numbers are both attributes of any deposit account. Received ACH payments are processed automatically.

You can get notified by listening to the transaction.created webhook and inspecting the payload for a received ACH transaction.


  • Receiving an ACH Credit in the amount of $20 when the balance is $0 will automatically result in a balance increase. Two transactions will be created: one received ACH transaction and one associated fee transaction (if the fee is non-zero).
  • Receiving an ACH Debit in the amount of $20 when the balance is $10 will automatically result in an ACH return to the originating side of the payment. No transactions will be created.

Received Payment Resource

A Received Payment resource is created when an incoming ACH is processed. The initial status and the lifecycle of the Received Payments may vary according to different factors that may lead to one of two final statuses: Completed or Returned

Some Received Payments are not completed immediately. This can happen when the Received ACH Credit is set to complete in a future date. In these cases, the funds will only become available (and the transaction will be created) on the completion date.

When this happens, a Received Payment resource is created, in a Pending status. You may provide the end customer with early access to those funds by implementing the Advance Received Payment capability.

The Received Payment resource can have the following statuses:

PendingThe received payment was created with a future completion date. Pending payments can be advanced.
AdvancedThe received-payment was advanced by the client. Once the completion date arrives, the status will change to Completed and the client will be repaid.
PendingReviewThe received payment is pending for a review by Unit.
MarkedForReturnThe received payment was rejected and is waiting to be returned to the originating bank. It is marked for return to indicate that the transaction has been unsuccessful and needs to be processed in the opposite direction.
ReturnedThe received payment was returned (see return reasons for more details).
CompletedThe received payment was completed. This happens once the payment completion date arrives. If the payment was previously advanced, the client will automatically be repaid.

Get by Id

Get a received payment by id.

Required Scopereceived-payments
Timeout (Seconds)5

Query Parameters

includestring(empty)Optional. A comma-separated list of related resources to include in the response. Related resources include: customer, account. See Getting Related Resources


Response is a JSON:API document.

200 OK

dataReceived PaymentA ReceivedPayment resource.
includedArray of DepositAccount or CustomerArray of resources requested by the include query parameter.
curl -X GET '' \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}"


List received payments. Filtering, paging and sorting can be applied.

Required Scopereceived-payments
Timeout (Seconds)5

Query Parameters

page[limit]integer100Maximum number of resources that will be returned. Maximum is 1000 resources. See Pagination.
page[offset]integer0Number of resources to skip. See Pagination.
filter[accountId]string(empty)Optional. Filters the results by the specified account id.
filter[customerId]string(empty)Optional. Filters the results by the specified customer id.
filter[since]ISO Local Date string(empty)Optional. Filters before the specified date. e.g. 2021-06-01
filter[until]ISO Local Date string(empty)Optional. Filters after the specified date. e.g. 2021-07-01
filter[status][]ReceivedPayment Status (JSON)(empty)Optional. Filter Received Payments by ReceivedPayment Status. Usage example: filter[status][0]=Pending&filter[status][1]=Advanced. cant be stated with includeCompleted.
filter[fromAmount]Integer(empty)Optional. Filters the Received Payment that have an amount that is higher or equal to the specified amount (in cents). e.g. 5000
filter[toAmount]Integer(empty)Optional. Filters the Received Payment that have an amount that is lower or equal to the specified amount (in cents). e.g. 7000
filter[includeCompleted]boolean(empty)Optional. Filter to include ReceivedPayment with Status 'Completed', default False. cant be stated with filter[status[]
filter[canBeReprocessed]boolean(empty)Optional. If set to true, returns only Received Payments that can be reprocessed. If set to false only returns Received Payments that can’t be reprocessed.
filter[tags]Tags (JSON)(empty)Optional. Filter received payments by Tags.
sortstringsort=createdAtOptional. Leave empty or provide sort=createdAt for ascending order. Provide sort=-createdAt (leading minus sign) for descending order.
includestring(empty)Optional. A comma-separated list of related resources to include in the response. Related resources include: customer, account. See Getting Related Resources
curl -X GET '[limit]=20&page[offset]=10&filter[includeCompleted]=true' \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}"


Response is a JSON:API document.

200 OK

dataArray of Received PaymentArray of received payment resources.
includedArray of DepositAccount or Customer or TransactionArray of resources requested by the include query parameter.
metaJSON object that contains pagination dataPagination data includes offset, limit and total (estimated total items).
Example Response:
"data": [
"type": "achReceivedPayment",
"id": "1337",
"attributes": {
"createdAt": "2022-02-01T12:03:14.406Z",
"status": "Pending",
"wasAdvanced": false,
"isAdvanceable": false,
"direction": "Credit",
"amount": 500000,
"completionDate": "2020-07-30",
"companyName": "UBER LTD",
"counterpartyRoutingNumber": "051402372",
"description": "Paycheck",
"traceNumber": "123456789123456",
"secCode": "PPD"
"relationships": {
"account": {
"data": {
"type": "account",
"id": "163575"
"customer": {
"data": {
"type": "customer",
"id": "129528"
"type": "achReceivedPayment",
"id": "1339",
"attributes": {
"createdAt": "2022-03-01T12:03:14.406Z",
"status": "Completed",
"wasAdvanced": true,
"amount": 100000,
"completionDate": "2020-07-30",
"companyName": "UBER LTD",
"counterpartyRoutingNumber": "051402372",
"description": "Paycheck",
"traceNumber": "123456789123456",
"secCode": "PPD"
"relationships": {
"account": {
"data": {
"type": "account",
"id": "163555"
"customer": {
"data": {
"type": "customer",
"id": "129522"
"receivePaymentTransaction": {
"data": {
"type": "transaction",
"id": "101"
"paymentAdvanceTransaction": {
"data": {
"type": "transaction",
"id": "202"
"repayPaymentAdvanceTransaction": {
"data": {
"type": "transaction",
"id": "890"
"meta": {
"pagination": {
"total": 2,
"limit": 100,
"offset": 0


Update a Received Payment.

Required Scopereceived-payments-write
Timeout (Seconds)5


tagsobjectSee Updating Tags.


Response is a JSON:API document.

200 OK

dataReceived PaymentThe updated Received Payment resource.
Update received payment:
curl -X PATCH ''
-H 'Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}'
--data-raw '{
"data": {
"type": "achReceivedPayment",
"attributes": {
"tags": {
"by": "Richard Hendricks",
"id": "23033b64-38f8-4dbc-91a1-313ff0156d02"

Advance Received Payment

Advance a Received Payment.


In order to use this API, you must implement the Advance Received Payment capability. Only received payments that are in status Pending can be advanced.

Required Scopereceived-payments-write
Timeout (Seconds)5


Response is a JSON:API document.

200 OK

dataReceived PaymentThe advanced received payment.
curl -X POST '' \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}"

Reprocess Received Payment

Reprocess a Received ACH Debit Payment in case it was MarkedForReturn due to InsufficientFunds.


The reprocess functionality is disabled by default. If you would like to enable it, please contact Unit. Only received payments that are in status MarkedForReturn can be reprocessed.

Required Scopereceived-payments-write
Timeout (Seconds)5


Response is a JSON:API document.

200 OK

dataReceived PaymentThe reprocessed received payment.
curl -X POST '' \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}"